Programming Language: Fundamentals Information Technology Blog

Instructions Needed: Programming Language
            A computer is a powerful machine that can carry out operations. We heavily rely on computer and computer-like machines, such as smartphones for daily activities. In Modern times, we expect our computers to execute arithmetic’s, data entry, and logical steps automatically. What we experience and appreciate from the computer is powered by compiling and programming. In 1804, Jacquard Loom invented a weaving device, calling it the Jacquard loom, the loom could be programmed to weave patterns using punch cards. This invention influenced modern programming and fostered the concept of compiling. Compiling is the process of translating a program into Machine language. Computers are only native in Machine Language, meaning they only understand 1’s and 0’s, the combination of 1’s and 0’s are interpreted to instruction level for computer inputs, outputs, etc. Other languages have been created to interact with the computers Machine Language. Assembly language creates code objects, instead of using a string of 1’s and 0’s, assigning codes to a specific device or computer architecture. High-level languages known as source code are translated to object code, once passed by the compiler, the compiler with translate into Machine language. While the hardware is a great medium by which we run our daily lives, the programming language is the jumping block that seamlessly performs tasks and mediates between the computer’s native tongue and our requirements. Programming is the human representation of computer function and procedures, the requirements provided by a human is what makes the experience so familiar.

Early Programming & Modern Functions
            Charles Babbage and Herman Hollerith were two inventors of the early age in computing. Each was inspired by the Jacquard loom punch card programming, that pioneered the method of data storage in punch cards. Herman created a tabulating machine designed to summarize the information stored on punch cards, as well as, creating a keypunch machine to create punch cards. Prior to Herman, Charles Babbage engineered the analytical engine using punch cards to create, edit, and store program lines. The analytical engine stored numbers, transitional results, and had separate “Mill” for processing arithmetic. These modular functions lead to an understanding of possible general computing use, most notably synthesized by Ada Lovelace. Ada was commissioned to document Babbage’s Analytical engine from French to English and in turn completed Note G, knowns as the first computer program and challenging computer use beyond calculations. The punch card is an early assembly language and computer storage mechanism used by industry leaders IBM (Herman Hollerith’s company) and others until the 1970s.  Fortran was developed by IBM as an alternative to assembly language, introducing statements, that would simplify the manual code and expeditiously deliver commands to the compiler. In modern times, High-level programming languages, like Java, JavaScript, C #, Python can store storing procedures, triggers, and user functions in the source code. While capabilities such as storing procedures in programming have made advancements, high-level program languages, still follow the compiling path for executable functions to be performed by a computer. In today’s programming world, it’s appropriate to say we have more languages by which to compile inputs, founded by more abstract ways to manipulate computer outputs.

Network Security Database, and Software
Programming languages are relied on heavily for Database Management, Software development, and Cyber Security.  In the security field, leading practices like sandboxing and code signing are used to manage risks. Sandboxing is the practice of restricting environments to perform actions within the environment’s jurisdiction, while code signing is the act of producing a digital signature for recipients to verify the signature (Mitchell, C. John 2002). Programming tasks are a key to database management, SQL is a popular language for managing databases and manipulate the data stored inside them. High-level programming languages like Fortran, C, C++, and Java can have sublanguages imbedded for data definition and data manipulation. Allowing actions to truncate, select, insert, update, etc. databased to satisfy requirement needs. This is also true to Software development standards in programming. Software programming is a mix of functional, logical and declarative steps (Simone, Martini & Gabbrielli, Maurizio2010). Software and application development are driven by all high-level languages and resources that can manipulate requirements into working software. In conclusion, Programming Languages play a vital role in the fundamental of Information technology. Of Information Technology, it can even be said that programming languages have written the past, present and will continue to write the future of technology.
