Network Security

Network Security
            Data is shared and passed insecure networks, but all networks have their leaks and can be compromised. Ping commands are used to verify communication between two devices. This technique can also be used by hackers to gain access to data from an unauthorized computer. A practice of this is DOS (Denial of Service), this attack prevents valid users from accessing websites, emails, and personal data from the data within their own network. To accomplish this exploit, hackers ping the server several times with packages that overload the server until it slows down or crashes as it's unable to admit the requests. There are several types of DOS attacks, such as, targeted local disclosed attacks that mark a single computer in a network, another is router disclosed targets that disrupt communications between a network of computers, and lastly, blind ping targets that use an external program to discover the IP address for targeted computer or network. Other methods are used for IP spoofing, knows as Smurf, a single ping is sent 255 times. An overload of data, known as buffer overflow, its name is essential to its description, loading a sizeable amount of data with file names of 256 characters. A final ping attack we’ll discuss is teardrop, this method is when a hacker manipulates the packet sent so that they overlap each other, creating an effect of crashing when attempting to reassemble the packets.
Password Cracking & Email Spam
              Password cracking involves tapping data that has been stored in or transmitted by a computer system. Brute force is a method of trying every possible password until successfully entering.  Computers can hash hundreds of million passwords per second using password by use of tools, the rate of password guessing depends heavily on cryptographic to determine possible password matches. In some cases, password cracking can be used in lieu of resetting a password if admin rights are not available. Email is a vital communication channel in today’s world, along with its vast use user-friendliness, the method invites spam. Popular methods of spam are Malware, Spear Phishing, Large Email Attachments, Data Loss, and Compliance Issues. Spear Phishing, most commonly referred to as phishing emails, are emails from hackers looking for an individual to disclose personal information through replicating reputable company emails to collect data. While this has been a highly publicized way of gaining user information, it continues to be one of the most effective ways for hackers to obtain information.  To combat these emails, multi scans tools would assist in detecting known threats, as well as, apply data sanitation to change file formats in disarming the threats. 
